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“The future is so bright that I have got to wear shades.” (Brad Goreski).

At the CMA Shipping 2023 conference we had two specific events that gave us all a window to “sea the future maritime professionals”. For the first time at the conference, we welcomed cadets and faculty from California Maritime Academy and a Connecticut high school senior who participates in the sea cadets program. During the student Business of Shipping Research winner presentations Katherine Mattikow, Aurora Thomas and Peter Milich did not disappoint us in the topics they tackled, their perspectives, preparation, and presentation skills. Additionally, this year CMA EF and Informa debuted the Maritime Student Task force where teams of students representing California, Maine, Massachusetts, and SUNY Maritime interviewed exhibitors on the companies’ products and services as well as the individuals’ career paths and then presented their findings followed by a short question and answer session. See the photos of these events below. These two programs along with the mentor program aims to connect students with maritime professionals for a mutually beneficial relationship to help ensure a bright future for all.


Mahatma Gandhi said, “The future depends on what we do in the present.” We are asking for your support for our Spring Splash fundraiser on May 24, 2023 to fund our maritime scholarship and internship programs and allow us to continue to support the future generation. We are seeking companies and individuals to help us make some ripples, splashes, and waves of donations for scholarships and internships. Join us for an evening of cocktails, appetizers, conversation, and water views. The invitation follows.


Spring Splash Sponsorships Are Available


All sponsorships are tax deductible as allowed by law (CMA EF is a 501c3 organization EIN: 27-5437946). Sponsors will be acknowledged in promotional emails, the CMA newsletter up to and post event, on the CMA EF website and at the event. Unused sponsorship tickets will be given to students or CMA EF volunteers.


Let’s make ripples, splashes, and waves of donations for scholarships and internships!



For sponsorships or individual tickets ($125 each), please reach out to

Every drop helps fill the scholarship and internship stipend bucket!

Who’s already making a ripple? Marine Money has generously agreed to sponsor again this year. Thank you, Matt McCleery.

So grab your sunglasses, celebrate the spring sunshine, reflection off the water and the bright future of the maritime professionals we support. Hope you can join us!


Beth Wilson-Jordan
Executive Director

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